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Industrial CT Scanning Services

inspect full graphics card using industrial ct

Locate Failures Quickly

Industrial CT (Computed Tomography)

Industrial CT Scanning Contract  Services​

Our industrial CT scanning services are provided on a contract basis. Scanning services involves acquiring & compiling a series of digital

x-rays into a 3-dimensional model of your actual part. The model is a digital clone of your part which allows you to digitally slice into and section the part, view internal structures and measure internal features - all without damaging your part.

Internal Structure Imaging - Industrial CT scanning non-destructively captures images of the internal structure of a wide variety of components & assemblies.

Dimensional Inspection - 3D x-ray inspection allows you to measure both internal and external dimensions and perform CAD-to-part comparisons to understand deviations.

User-Friendly Deliverables - A 3D model of your part along with a slice stack of the x, y & z views is included in our standard deliverables. The executable file will run on a basic engineering computer and comes with a help guide.

Industrial CT is used to inspect additively manufactured parts for residual powder and internal features.

Aluminum additive manufactured part is CT scanned and analyzed for porosity, trapped powder and misprint layers.

Industrial CT allows our aerospace customers to inspect the internal components of a precision part without disrupting or destroying evidence.

post shock and vibe ct scan of electrical relay

Internal crack detection and porosity analysis for castings. Weld penetration and quality of solders.

visualize and measure internal cracks in castings

Inspect composite lamination layers looking for imperfections such as voids, cracks, pinched fiber layers and delamination.

internal pinched layers in composite bike frame

Save time and money by quickly identifying opens, bridging, cracked connection and voiding issues.

failure analysis imaging of electrical cable

Visualize and inspect internal features of a part without disassembly, thus eliminating the risk of damaging the part.

jelly roll of a battery for forensic engineers

As engineers strive to meet the high quality standards, internal details of intricate devices can be inspected non-destructively.

ct scan of pacemaker

Modern day engineers use Industrial CT scanning to non-destructively inspect new products throughout the design and development stages.

motion camera ct scan lets you look at internal components

When Do I Need a 2D X-Ray Versus a 3D CT? 


Industrial x-ray services include both 2D and 3D imaging. Our 3D CT scanning services are not necessary in every case or for every component. Call us at 425-497-9729, and our precision imaging specialists will help you determine what type of imaging fits your business’s needs. Want a breakdown of our advanced analysis services? Click here! 


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